CPP Info Memo Part 3
2014年9月04日 23:24
Table of Contents
这是 Cpp Info Memo 第三部分,前两部分在:
Happy coding
这是 Cpp Info Memo 第三部分,前两部分在:
最近手里的 Nexus 4 手机一直闲置,它的配置要比我六年前买的笔记本还好,于是就动起了向里面刷个 Ubuntu Touch 的想法。
This is a memo of RFC 5646, ie BCP-47.
private static native void printString(String text); ... void examplePrintString() { String str = "A" + "\u00ea" + "\u00f1" + "\u00fc" + "C"; System.out.println("String = " + str); printString(str); } }
Last week, I tried to use Valgrind to identify potential memory related bugs, since segmentation faults occured randomly in a Python C library. However, Valgrind failed to start and displayed the following error message: