The Art Of Computer Programming: 1.1
posted @ 2014年9月03日 00:15
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Table of Contents
1 Algorithm
1.1 算法的特性
算法除了是一套有限的规则 (Being a finite set of rules) 之外,还有如下的五个特性:
- 有限性 (Finiteness) :需要在有限的步骤内收敛结束。
- 可定义性 (Definieness) :算法中的每一步骤必要要有精确的定义。
- 输入 (input) :有 0 或者多数输入
- 输出 (output) :有 1 或者多个输出
- 有效性 (Effectiveness) :算法通常是有效的。
1.2 例子
Figure 1: Euclid's alrogithm
Lisp code:
(defun ea (m n) "Euclid's algorithm" (interactive) (let ((r (% m n))) (if (= r 0) n (ea n r))))
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2019年7月17日 13:26
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2023年1月04日 02:59
The art of computer programming is the process of designing and implementing algorithms that enable computers to solve certain problems. It is a highly creative and challenging field Binge-Worthy Series that requires a deep understanding of both computer science and mathematics. great programmers are not only skilled in coding, but also possess strong problem-solving and analytical skills.