WebOS QuickInstall Under Linux
posted @ 2014年9月03日 00:06
in 未分类
, 1091 阅读
A simple HOW-TO of using WebOS QuickInstall Under Linux
- Download QuickInstall
- Start QuickInstall
java -jar WebOSQuickInstall-4.3.1.jar
Then install novacom driver. If failed to install this driver, download and install it by hand. Novacom driver can be downloaded from: URL: http://palm.cdnetworks.net/opensource/novacom/novacom-linux-32.tgz (32 bit) or URL: http://palm.cdnetworks.net/opensource/novacom/novacom-linux-64.tgz (64 bit)
There is a executable file named novacomd in novacom package, this file should be started before Phone was connected.
- Connect phone to linux box, do anything you like.